Sunday, February 25, 2024

Bible 57

 I’m guessing a lot of us would like to achieve fame and fortune, thinking that our anxieties about the future would be far less. But the Scriptures do not even hint that being famous is a good thing. Building encouraging relationships that last have building blocks that include humility, service, grace, mercy and a desire to be honest with everyone. Today’s power hungry seem to manipulate whoever and whatever, twisting facts to fit the marketing scheme. Even though king David was famous, he realized that God has appointed him to his position. David has humble roots and has learned a great deal from his outdoor experiences as a shepherd. I wonder what Jesus would say about our celebrity culture. What would the disciples say about our culture?  I wonder what Jesus would say to me if we had a face to face, eye to eye conversation. I’m hoping and praying that we will give God credit for all we do as we develop a better eternal perspective. 

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