Thursday, February 29, 2024

Isaac’s example

 Michael Sprague

Ever feel betrayed? Ever been overwhelmed and undone by a patently aggravating nemesis? I have. 

I was reading about Isaac’s challenges with his enemies in the desert during a famine. When the Philistines filled his wells with dirt, Isaac dug new wells. He named these two wells- ARGUMENT and OPPOSITION (Genesis 26:19-21). He later named his third well ROOM ENOUGH for the Lord made room for them (Genesis 26:22). Despite contentious opposition and troubling times, God blessed Isaac a hundredfold in the  desert in accordance with His promise (Genesis 26:12). 

Isaac didn’t deny the depth of his problems, but by keeping his eyes on God rather than on his enemy he found a  powerful way to respond. 

Most opt for fight or flight...uncontrolled anger or bottled up withdrawal...hysterics or pouting. Not Isaac...he found a third way. In fighting the dragon he didn’t become the dragon. He resisted the gateway drug of irritability that often leads to sarcasm, resentment and hostility. He jettisoned the stinking-thinking and made room for God’s Promises to prevail. 

We can all drink deeply from this well!!

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