Friday, March 1, 2024

A Picnic in the Wilderness

 Michael Sprague


Isaiah 43:19

    [19] Behold, I am doing a new thing;

        now it springs forth, do you not perceive it?

    I will make a way in the wilderness

        and rivers in the desert.

If you ever run into someone who claims to have mastered the Bible—run away from him or her as fast as you can. You can never hit its depths. I love stumbling on new truths and found a nugget of gold today. Psalm 78:19 asks, “Can God spread a table in the desert?” Can God? Can He provide a picnic in the wilderness? Yes, Yes and Amen!

I love going to Israel and seeing the people and the land and learning the ancient ways. I am learning to study the Bible through a middle eastern lens rather than just my Western lens. One difference between these two lenses is the way the Hebrews look at the “Wilderness”.  In their understanding, “Wilderness” is where God does some of His best work.

If you are curious about that concept, ponder the following examples:

1. Exodus- People prepared for 40 years for the Promised Land.

2. Burning Bush- Moses launched from the wilderness.

3. Mt. Carmel- Elijah ran to the wilderness and heard the small voice.

4. Jesus- After 40 days in wilderness he starts his public ministry.

5. Arabia- in this 3 year wilderness time, Saul becomes Paul.

In the “Wilderness”, we in the Western World often ask, “How much longer? and How can I get out of this and get out of it now?” In the Middle Eastern lens the question is, “God, what are you teaching me in my ‘Wilderness’”?” In tough times, I am learning to ask:

1. What do I need to lament?

2. What can I celebrate in the pain?

3. Who is God? What is He like?

4. What is God doing/forming in me?

We do not have to go looking for a “wilderness”. Sooner or later it comes to us. I was supposed to fly to Israel today. October 7 changed all that. Our team was going to spend a little time in the wilderness. In Israel, you often cannot go around the wilderness, you have to go through it. The same is true with the wildernesses of life. 

I ask you this today - Can God spread a table in the “wilderness”? Let’s remember the answer is YES!

The Living God is amazing.

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