Thursday, March 7, 2024

Empty Tomb 7

 Mary Magdalene must have been full of fear, thinking the worst possible outcome to Jesus, and perhaps to her future. Jesus has provided so much hope and purpose in her, but she feared all hope was lost. Yet the resurrection gave her more than she could have hoped. Could the same be for us?  I often fear what may happen to a family member or what could happen as a result of the election campaign, or with the threat of a nuclear war. But is that what Jesus wants?  The empty tomb s changed everything for the disciples and it changes everything for us. 

Christ up to the full measure of our capacity. Prophet, Priest, and King, Christ divine and Christ human, Christ loving and living, Christ dying, Christ risen, Christ ascended, Christ coming again, Christ triumphant over all his foes—the whole Lord Jesus Christ is ours, We must not reject a single particle of what is revealed concerning him, but must feed upon it all as we are able.” — C.H. Spurgeon

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