Saturday, March 23, 2024

Psalm 23


In This Life and the Next

Most people relate to Psalm 23 as a comfort prayer - they wouldn't easily call it a hungry prayer.

Today I am conducting a funeral for a young man who passed away too soon (he was 46). He was a relative, a friend and much loved. Tributes have poured in about his enthusiastic love for life and others. Throughout his illness and after his passing, Psalm 23 popped up all over the place.

But the more I've reflected on the Psalm, the more I've become convinced of its hunger. The Psalm explores the length, depth and breadth of life and then creeps across the horizon.

We start with the length which is expressed as green pastures, quiet waters, soul restoration and right paths. This speaks of our longings in the hurly-burly busy-ness of life. David realizes that, in the midst of complexity, peace can only be found with God. But he also recognizes the beauty of life that can so often be missed unless we take a moment to count our blessings and thank the Blesser.

But life can get deep: The valley of the shadow of death is a place where our bullies are frailty, doubt and death. Whether we face our own mortality or that of others, we are not alone or unprotected. David knows that He needs the presence of the One who walks with us and protects us.

Along with depth, life can get broad. There are a vast number of enemies who would try to convince us that we don't have enough and that we aren't "broad" enough. But our loving Father provides all we need and our cups overflow.

Then comes the horizon - the realization that this life is not our final destination - that we were made for more than this.

David, the shepherd-king (and we have no idea how old he was when he wrote this Psalm) reflected on life's length, depth and breadth and the horizon of life. He realized that all of this only makes sense if we would let the Lord be our Shepherd, Protector, Provider, Host and Father.

Read this prayer not only for its comfort, but also its hunger.

Passion translation

”You Lord Yahweh are my best friend and my shepherd. I constantly act like a wandering sheep that needs a wise Protector and Leader. Because of You, I have more than enough, even though I do not deserve what You provide. You continue to offer a resting place for me in Your luxurious and powerful love. Nothing can compare to Your solace and comfort. The more I experience Your presence, the more I love You. Your path takes me to an oasis of peace near the quiet brook of wanting You more. That’s where You restore and revive my life. Let me never away from You!  When I’m weary and weak, Your calm presence is just what I need.  You open before me the right path; You lead me along in Your footsteps of righteousness so that I can bring honor to Your name.  Open my eyes to the next step I should take. May Your path be my journey.  Even when Your path takes me through the valley of deepest darkness, I will not fear because Your presence will never leave me! Your authority is my strength and my peace. Your presence is a strong fortress, a solid rock, a strong tower protecting me from discouragement and disappointment. The comfort of Your love reassures me that You are closer than my next breath. Your presence is like a delicious feast, a mighty power, even when my enemies dare to fight, trying to convince me that I am weak and helpless. You anoint me with the fragrance of Your Holy Spirit, a mystery that is hard to express in words; You give me all I can drink, making me realize I was searching in all the wrong places to quench my thirst.  My cup overflows. You provide far more than I imagined. So why would I fear the future? Only goodness and tender love pursue me all the days of my life. Then afterward, when my life is through, I’ll realize Your full glorious presence to be forever with You!“

‭‭Psalms‬ ‭23‬:‭1‬-‭6‬ ‭TPT‬‬

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