Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Inside Out 6

 I’m learning that living in the light is acknowledging His presence regardless of the circumstances. If I’m not conversing with the Creator and Sustainer of all things, I’m living in the shadows or in the dark. I regret that I’ve thought there was some formula, some mountain top experience, or some type of effort that I needed to make to live there perfect Christian life. But there is no silver bullet to following Christ. It’s simply following Him, searching god where He is working, living BG the righteousness and the light that He shows. Not only that, but I’m free and unashamed to be vulnerable and authentic with those God brings into my life. To live in the light, is to love Him and love others as He has loved me. 

“Genuine transformation of the whole person into the goodness and power seen in Jesus and his “Abba” Father—the only transformation adequate to the human self—remains the necessary goal of human life. But it lies beyond the reach of programs of inner transformation that draw merely on the human spirit—even when the human spirit is itself treated as ultimately divine.” - Dallas Willard, Renovation of the Heart: Putting On the Character of Christ

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