Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Bible 130

 Living each day treating people right is a challenge but it’s a call to live with the standards of justice, renewal, restoration and forgiveness. Living generous with time and resources is God’s standard for His way of doing business. I don’t think God asks us to live foolishly, spending everything we have in the moment, but with wisdom and anticipation that He will multiply our efforts of justice, generosity and restoration. 

Any leader who grabs all he can get out of selfish ambition, manipulating a story and the facts, is sure to stir up trouble. But leaders who are generous have a ripple effect on others. I want to be that person who is having a ripple effect on you, Blake. Despite my short comings and weaknesses, I want to encourage you to have a head start on wisdom and being the man God wants you to be. 

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