Monday, May 27, 2024

Inside Out 40

 We cannot become Christlike without knowing Christ. I’m so guilty of trying to be a good Christian without following Christ. Thinking that I can try harder on my own does not work. Thinking that God will grade our Christian performance on the Bell Curve with some better than me and others worse than me is false theology. I need a Savior each and everyday. True transformation will meet resistance and temptations from all directions, but His grace in the heat of the moment sustains and renews. I can either live by the Spirit or by my own fleshly efforts. I can either seek to promote myself and my good efforts, or I can promote Hos sustaining grace. May we each honor our Risen Savior. 

“The Spirit wants to make you threatening to all the forces of injustice and apathy and complacency that keep our world from flourishing.” - John Ortberg, The Me I Want to Be: Becoming God's Best Version of You

“Brother Lawrence called this “practicing the presence” of God, and the most important part of that practice lay in “renouncing, once and for all, whatever does not lead to God.” - John Ortberg, Soul Keeping: Caring For the Most Important Part of You

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