Friday, July 26, 2024


 Certainly! If you’re looking to interview a couple who’s been married for 50 years or simply want some awesome marriage advice, here are some thoughtful questions you can ask:

  1. The Early Years:

    • Tell me the story of how you met.
    • What were your first impressions of each other?
    • Describe your first date.
    • How did you know things were getting serious?
    • What did your families think of your new partner?
    • When did you realize you would end up getting married?
    • Share your engagement story.
    • Was there something unexpected that happened at your wedding1
  2. Traditions:

    • Do you have any special traditions or rituals as a couple?
    • What are your favorite memories from family gatherings or holidays?
  3. Trials and Tribulations:

    • How did you handle challenges or difficult times together?
    • What kept your bond strong during tough moments?
  4. The Highlight Reel:

    • What are the most cherished memories you’ve created together?
    • Share a funny or heartwarming anecdote from your journey.
  5. Dreams for the Future:

    • What’s one thing you’d like to achieve in the next five years?
    • If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you want to settle?
      • What’s your spouse’s favorite food?
      • Which movie would they watch on repeat?
      • Morning person or night owl?
    • First Impressions:

      • What did your spouse think of you when you first met?
      • Describe your first date from their perspective.
      • Who made the first move?
    • Relationship Insights:

      • What’s your secret to a happy marriage?
      • Who’s the better cook?
      • Who’s more likely to apologize first after an argument?
    • Quirky Preferences:

      • Toilet paper over or under?
      • Who hogs the bed covers?
      • Who’s the better dancer?
    • Questions for a 50-Year Married Couple:

      1. Memories:

        • What’s your most cherished memory together?
        • Describe your wedding day.
        • How did you celebrate your 25th anniversary?
      2. Life Lessons:

        • What’s the key to a lasting marriage?
        • How did you handle tough times together?
        • Any advice for newlyweds?

      3. You can choose whichever style and structure you prefer, but it’s usually best to make His and Hers questions. This list of Wife Round Questions is a great way to start the game. The trick is to find questions that she should know the answer to…

        1. When your husband cooks for you, would he say that you love it, like it, or hate it?
        2. Would your husband say that he prefers you with makeup or natural?
        3. Finish this sentence, “I wish my husband would pay as much attention to me as he does his _________.”
        4. Will your husband say that you spend more money or he spends more?
        5. If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would your husband say that you would go?
        6. Will he say you are a morning person or a night person?
        7. What is the one thing of your husband’s that you would throw away?
        8. Who will your husband say is his celebrity crush?
        9. What is the one thing that your husband does that drives you crazy?
        10. What will your husband say is your go-to web site?
        11. If your husband could have any superpower or be any superhero, what/who would it be?
        12. What is one word that your husband uses that you wish he wouldn’t?
        13. Which one of your relatives would you say your husband likes the least?
        14. It’s double date night, who does your husband want to go out with?
        15. Which one of you would be the most likely to look at your phone during the main event of the date?
        16. What was your husband’s first job?
        17. Which one of you is the biggest procrastinator?
        18. How would your husband complete this sentence? My wife is a natural-born ___________.
        19. Complete this sentence: I knew I had found the love of my life when she _______________.
        20. Fill in the blank, My husband is the world’s best ___________.
        21. Fill in the blank, My husband is the world’s worst ___________.
        22. What celebrity does your husband look like?
        23. If your husband could have a different job what would it be?
        24. What was your husband’s first vehicle?
        25. Has your husband ever cried during a movie? Which Movie?
        26. What will your husband say that he loves about you the most?
        27. It’s your night to pick the movie, will you pick something action-packed, lol funny, or tissue-worthy?
        28. What was the name of your first boyfriend?
        29. How many cylinders does his car have?
        30. What is the one material thing your husband owns that means the most to him?
        31. Which of the following candies best describes your first kiss? Starburst, Hot Tamales, Goobers, or Milk Duds?
        32. How many pairs of shoes do you own?
        33. What gift that your spouse gave you came as the biggest surprise?
        34. If your husband died and came back as a dog, what breed would he be? Chihuahua, Lab, or Bulldog.
        35. How long will your husband say it takes you to get ready to go out? 15 minutes, an hour, or 3 hours?

      4. How it’s time for the Husband Round Questions, and these newlywed game questions were designed specifically for him. Let’s see if he’s been paying attention.

        1. Which of the following breakfast cereals best describes your wife’s family’s opinion of you when they first met you? Just Right, Oatmeal Squares, Frosted Flakes, Lucky Charms, Fruit Loops.
        2. When did you last give your wife flowers?
        3. What was the name of your wife’s childhood pet?
        4. If you told your wife that tomorrow you would do any one item from her Honey-Do list, what would she choose?
        5. What will your wife say is the first thing you do in the morning?
        6. Is your wife always late, always early, or right on time?
        7. What’s the name of your wife’s favorite store?
        8. What household chore do you do better than your wife?
        9. What was your wife wearing on your first date?
        10. If your wife is texting someone, who is it most likely to be?
        11. If your wife could spend a day in the life of someone else, who would it be?
        12. Finish this sentence: “Every time my wife goes shopping she brings home another __________.”
        13. What was the last thing you did for your wife that she never expected?
        14. What will your wife say is her favorite time of the year?
        15. Would your wife say she prefers gold or silver?
        16. What are two things your wife made you get rid of before moving in together?
        17. If you were to look through your wife’s purse, what are two things you would find?
        18. Your wife found a genie lamp, name one of her three wishes.
        19. What is your wife’s favorite day of the week?
        20. When your wife goes to the grocery store, what 2 items does she come home with that weren’t on the list?
        21. What is your wife’s favorite animal?
        22. What are the names of your wife’s 2 best friends from high school?
        23. If your wife could send you to a Body Repair Shop, what on you would she have fixed?
        24. What percentage of the housework would your wife say you do?
        25. If your wife could be married to a movie star who would they choose?
        26. What food does your wife just refuse to eat (not related to allergies)?
        27. If you were given $500 to spend on your wife, what would it be?
        28. What item of clothing does your wife wear that you just can’t stand?
        29. Who’s a better driver?
        30. What was the last book your wife read?
        31. How hogs the blankets?
        32. What is the color of your wife’s toothbrush?
        33. If your wife could be reincarnated as any animal, what would she choose?
        34. What was the most your wife ever paid for shoes?
        35. If your wife could hire a private performance, which band or music star would it be?

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Bible 282

 Tests and trials are difficult to understand, and hard to endure. Paul could have been angry and bitter that he was in prison but he used h...