Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Stretching My Faith

How do you know if a goal is what would glorify God, not just promote yourself?  When should you share a goal with someone else?  Most of us do not share our goals and ambitions with others. We live seen and unseen lives.  We are very public about our successes but private about our struggles or what could reflect poorly on us.  I do not like to have others judge me on my goals or lack of them. I wonder how others view my ambition or lack of ambition to grow in Christ. But in my heart comes the call of Christ.  He says, "Come to me."  Jesus wants to unburden me from the anxiety of having a public/private split, living a seen life of images and a private life of unseen struggle.  He wants to stretch my faith into a bigger vision with greater love, faith and hope.   He knows we (I) will not respond unless we are convinced of His love.  He wants to do more work in my heart than I can imagine. I wonder if my expectations to grow are too low, thinking that I’ve arrived to where He wants me to be without even praying about it. 

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Psalm 2

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