Thursday, January 20, 2022


 Allister Begg said:  “A self-assured person is not going to pray prayers of petition; there’s no need to pray if you think you have got it all covered. A self-righteous person is not going to pray prayers of confession; there’s no need to pray if you think you’re good enough to earn God’s blessing. But the person who knows their heart before God—the person who knows the depth of their need of forgiveness and help from God.”

When I’m into myself, thinking I’ve got life all figured out, I miss knowing how God provides during my trying times. My self absorption is a rabbit trail away from maturity, a departure from following Christ. 

Gods peroxide’s far more than my freedom from a slavery to sin.  He provides a meaning and purpose to live each day which is for Him and His glory.  My self sufficiency will always fall short. 

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