Thursday, January 13, 2022


 January is the month to see if I really follow through on a New Year’s resolution. There are quite a few things I need to change about myself and consistent discipline is a big one. Rick Warren indicates we need three things to make sure our goals happen: 1) The presence of the Holy Spirit to be empowered - my goal shouldn’t be all about me but glorifying Christ 2) I need God’s Word to saturate my mind. Without His Word, I’m drifting down some rabbit trail. 3) I need others around me - to keep me accountable and humble. I can wasily become seld righteous and focused only on what’s good for me. But a group of like minded Spirit driven, Word infused people can Kai h us deeper into God’s Kingdom.  I’m hoping that a daily devotional connection will keep each participant on track to glorify our Lord  

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Psalm 2

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