Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Seeking Things Above

 Colossians 3:2

[2] Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth.

Wandering without direction is being focused on the ground, with our head down. It’s like taking a trip without a destination or a general direction without a map. But setting our minds is being fixed on the destination with a great hope and expectation that we will arrive on time, His time for our lives. Setting our minds is looking at the light, not the darkness, in confusion. It is traveling our life journey with certainty of faith. Our certainty is not a fairy tale, or a fiction novel we would like to live. It is not a conspiracy theory with a crazy rationale. It is not fake news, but factual faith with a rock solid foundation. We are not seeking goals of the world, including prestige, power, or passion for self promotion. The things above are His glory, His love, His agenda. It is not being confirmed to cultural ideals but being changed and transformed into His character and His love. 

Only when the awe of God rules your heart will you be able to keep the pleasures of the material world in their proper place… I came to see that I was wired for awe, that awe of something sits at the bottom of everything I say and do. But I wasn’t just wired for awe. I was wired for the awe of God. No other awe satisfies the soul. No other awe can give my heart the peace, rest, and security that it seeks. I came to see that I needed to trace awe of God down to the most mundane of human decisions and activities.” - Paul David Tripp, Awe: Why It Matters for Everything We Think, Say, and Do

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