Wednesday, February 23, 2022

God Created You and Me 28

 Rick Warren’s statement is counter cultural and mind blowing compared to today’s thinking:  “God planned every single day of your life. Before you took your first breath, God knew every single event of your life.” God’s sovereignty changes everything about us - our past, present and future. He is working in the details of our lives even though He gives us the freedom to be creative and make decisions for Him. Today’s reading is exactly what our culture needs in light of the declining mental health and rise in suicide rates. God’s love and pursuit of us is far beyond our understanding but worthy of our response.

“But the highest wisdom comes not from “looking around” or “looking within,” but from being driven outside of ourselves—what we feel, assume, imagine, or do—by just hearing God’s Word, especially his gospel. Here there is no speculation—no more chattering within ourselves about what we might believe. The gospel is a strange announcement of news brought from a herald. It’s based not on timeless principles but on the resurrection of the God-Man in history. “So faith comes from hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ” (Rom 10:17). It is not something you ascend to attain or descend to bring up from the dead (vv. 3–16). Excerpt, Recovering Our Sanity by Michael Horton

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