Wednesday, February 23, 2022

How Can He Use Your Past 01

 It’s comforting to think God can use our past for His glory. But I regret my nominal risks for Christ and my reluctance to be bold in my walk and talk. Would anyone have known if I was a follower of Christ a few years ago?

“We’re all afraid of being unrighteous. Self-justification is our default setting. And that is because we know deep down exactly what we are: the “ungodly.” We know what God requires of us and what it means to be righteous, to be godly, and to be responsible, loving, and just human beings. But often we do not do what we know is right when we’re up to bat. We’re afraid of losing something if we do the right thing. In other words,  we’re selfish. We don’t love God and our neighbor, and we show it not only by what we do but by what we fail to do.” -  Excerpt, Recovering Our Sanity by Michael Horton

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Psalm 2

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