Saturday, March 5, 2022

The Family 11


The scene at the cross was full of grief, especially for Jesus’s mother and family. But Jesus truly cared about them and understood their anguish. His words to John showed how much He trusted John with His mother’s care. As we encounter the rough times in our own families, I want to be fully aware of my own words and actions with each family member, pointing them to the assurance and care of Jesus and His understanding of our needs.

  1.  “God will create a crisis in order to bring His people back toHimself. He will withdraw His protection and allow us to live with the consequences of our own choices. This is the way in which God most often deals with persistent sin. If you recognize this cycle in your own life, it means you’re facing a choice between the gods of your imagination and the living god of the Bible. You may feel you’re in control of your gods, but they’re powerless to help you and deeply offensive to God. Only the living god will deliver you…” - Colin S. Smith, The One Year Unlocking the Bible Devotional

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