Tuesday, April 5, 2022

He Reigns 08

 I often wonder if others would have critiqued my Christian life as nominal a few years ago.  I never said I was a half way follower, but it was if my faith was an add on to good things I was doing, living up to the expectations of good character and a good community person.  But after I’ve let Scripture soak in, I was wrong. Loving Christ and my loyalty to Him supersedes all other loyalties and affiliations.  He is King and I want Him to rule my heart, my will, and all other life issues.  My life is  it about me, but Him.  May He erase my narcissism and selfish views, replacing them with His wisdom and love.  This may seem radical, but it is the most sane way to live life.  

“Because we are all sinners, even the best of our economic, social, and political systems are corrupted by sin and perpetuate systematic injustices. Power itself does not corrupt. Rather, corruption clings to all of our hearts. Inherently selfish, we seek others who are like us to reinforce our power and prejudices against others.” Excerpt, Recovering Our Sanity by Michael Horton

“Jesus declares not that he has come to reform religion but that he’s here to end religion and to replace it with himself.” - Timothy J. Keller, Jesus the King

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