Monday, April 4, 2022

Victorious 07


We will worship him forever with the beauty of his scars in view. They are no defect to the eyes of the redeemed but a glory beyond compare.

Reflection Question

How many wake up calls does it take for someone to focus on Christ and Christ alone?  I’ve had several close up views when friends, students and their families, or close family members have faced death, tragedies, or crises.  Having spent a number of days in the hospital beside my life partner has been and is another challenge and wake up call.  Other issues become trivial and petty in comparison.  But Christ is in all things, allowing us to be sifted and challenges to trust Him beyond my natural abilities.  His grace is sufficient for the  reds of the moment, reassuring me that He is ever present.  The praying of many, the closeness of friends and brothers like you provide so much that no words can express.  What a day we will have when we are present with Christ along with those of every people group and language, worshipping the Lamb who was sacrificed for each of us.

“Jesus began his Church with Zealots and Collaborators who hated and feared one another, making them one by Hiscross and Spirit. His Church grew as Slaves became Pastors of their Masters. He made one new humanity out of Jews and Gentiles who despised one another.” - David Cassidy

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