Wednesday, May 11, 2022

Anxiety’s Remedy

 It’s not possible to live an anxiety free life. We live in the here and now, not what is to come. We are still tainted by sinful desires and we live in a world at combat with sin and evil. Yet we are commanded to keep our minds clear and focused on a passion to live for Christ. Greater is He in us than the evil one of this world. Each day is presented with new challenges that clearly present fear or faith as a choice. Despite the anxiety, joy and peace can equally be present with His presence in us. Some days the joy overwhelms the fear and worry, while other days are lessons to be learned, that I need to depend on Hom far deeper than ever. . 

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Psalm 2

 Most everyone is worrying about the next election. To add to anxiety, the world is full of chaos that includes war and economic dependence ...