Tuesday, May 10, 2022

Beneath The Surface 5/12

 I’m wondering if the main reason disciple making doesn’t take place in so many relationships is that we are far too surface in our conversations. Getting beneath the surface takes real effort, self disclosure and vulnerability. We all struggle with sin, our past, guilt, shame, worry, and fear of the future. One day I’m filled with fear and next day faith over rules my anxiety. So many relationships are superficial, seemingly built on the idea that I want to appear better than I am, that I’ve got my act together. But we need each other for brotherly encouragement, helping each other to filter out the world’s influence, keeping our focus on the One we love and adore for all eternity. Let’s pray that we will be men of influence on the lives of others. 

We have to be clear about what it means to help the people God has placed in our lives. We gravitate toward solutions that are quick and easy. When it comes to helping people, we often address the surface level of the problem but never get down to the heart of the matter. When someone is grieving, we might hand him a book that helped us in a difficult moment. But how many of us would take the time to really invest in his life? Would we listen on a consistent basis and offer help whenever we find a need that we are able to meet?

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Psalm 2

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