Monday, May 30, 2022

Mess 06/02

Who’s going to be Lord of my life? Who’s going to call the shots? Me or Jesus Christ? God has the power I’m lacking. My default response to most anything is self sufficiency, self preservation, and the appearance that I’ve got life figured out. But God is breaking down the walls I’ve built, knocking them down, allowing me to be vulnerable, weak, needing help. The sooner I’m honest with Him, surrendering my all go Him, the sooner I experience His strength in my worst moments…and in my better moments

Quote:   “Do not sow the Word of God plus man’s philosophies, man’s theories, man’s traditions. Just sow the pure Word of God. A good farmer washes his seed before he sows it. A good spiritual farmer makes sure he does not mix God’s Word with anything defiling.” - Warren Wiersbe

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