Wednesday, June 8, 2022

Change of Direction 6/9

 I often am not focusing on God’s presence or leading. My mode of operation is self sufficiency until I run into a brick wall or am face to face with my weakness and fragility. Like the devotional indicated, it’s like being lost in a city and realizing that maybe I’d better turn on the GPS. I think the pandemic has shaken us into realizing that much of life is beyond our control. The stabilizing forces in culture may not be so stabilizing after all.  But talking my life details out with the Lord helps, asking Him to lead and give me wisdom is a huge step in the right direction. 

“Scripture is not the answer book to all of our problems but a doorway into the world of God’s mystery.  And one of the mysteries of this life is that God isn’t interested in solving all our problems in the ways we think they should be solved. “ - Eugene Peterson

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