Friday, June 24, 2022

Difficult Times 6/28

 In a perfect world, I may not get upset about a crisis or tough times. Anxiety today seems at an all time high, yet God has not left His throne. Our culture may be further away His reign failing to listen to His Word. I hope to get better at being a non anxious presence when the next tough time arrives. It will surely come, because we are not living in perfection yet. The more we can link arms, encouraging each other, praying boldly, the less anxiety we will feel, trusting Him for the outcome. 

 “Sinful humans do not turn into godly ones quickly. Our own lives attest to that. You cannot tell if repentance is genuine for a long, long time. If you think you can, you will have not only fooled yourself, but you will risk vulnerable people.” - Diane Langberg

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