Friday, June 24, 2022

Thinking About Self 6/27

 I am my own worst critic and enemy. I allow myself to be discouraged, have doubts, and blame others for circumstances beyond anyone’s control. It’s like I the the world is all about me and circumstances should go my way. But such negative thinking gets me in downward spiral every time. When I look upward toward our Father, I’m less likely to look horizontal or inwardly. The more I praise and worship Him, the less I chase circles of defeat. 

Wherever “you find yourself on the journey today, know that God is gracious. He knows we are from dust. Christ knows our weaknesses, as he was human himself. The Spirit resides in us to comfort and strengthen us. The body of Christ exists to be the presence of Jesus on earth. You are not alone. God has the power to redeem all things.” Excerpt, The Deeply Formed Life by Rich Villodas

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