Wednesday, June 29, 2022

First Impressions 7/01

 I’ve read that the most important part of a job interview is the first seven seconds. First impressions are made by a person’s nonverbal behavior, including tone of voice, facial expressions, eye contact, and hand shake. Post Covid behavior avoids much of that first impression building, taking much longer to develop the potential for a relationship. I’m learning and relearning the importance of focusing on the person to really get to know them, not just go with my first impression. I’m glad our Father accepts us just as we are rather than trivial impressions. 

 “You’re in spiritual trouble if in your view the people around you are way more in need of grace than you are.” - Paul David Tripp

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Psalm 2

 Most everyone is worrying about the next election. To add to anxiety, the world is full of chaos that includes war and economic dependence ...