Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Focus 6/30

 I may be off base, but Joyce Meyer’s solution to keeping  focus is somewhat lacking. It’s hard to be in depth with a short reflection but keeping my focus with today’s cultural issues takes more than a positive attitude. It’s more than trying harder or following a ritual. The fruits of the Spirit include peace, joy, and hope, which can happen instantly during an obedient decision or can develop as a process of seeking God no matter the circumstances. He is alive in us and we in Him, which is a process that is more than trying harder. 

“Any power that you and I hold is God’s and has been given to us by Him for the sole purpose of glorifying Him and blessing others. Any time we use power to damage or use another in a way that dishonors God, we fail in our handling of the gift He has given.” - Diane Langberg

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