Monday, July 11, 2022

Blind Leading the Blind 7/17

 I’m wondering if there are many today who are so blind to the truth of who Jesus is that they would never admit to being blind even though the truth is right in front of them. The man in the story was healed physically and spiritually, seeing who Jesus was in His heart. I’m also wondering if I’m blind at times to seeing how much others need Christ in their lives. The more we see Christ with our spiritual eyes the more we want to see Him. However there are many who think they’ve seen enough, just enough to get by., without going too deep. I want to see more clearly the opportunities He puts before me, responding in the way He would to those needs. 

“Let the Bible shock you and anger you and baffle you and humble you and convict you and rattle you and undo you. There, in those places of unexpected & uncomfortable encounter with the voice of the Almighty, you will be transformed by the non-conforming words of the Scriptures...... alive and made effectual by the Holy Spirit, who is definitely out to get you and change you, doing a deep work in you so he can do a great work through you.” - David Cassidy

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