Monday, July 11, 2022

Remain 7/23

 His presence in our hearts gives a calmness, peace, and direction that nothing else can. To remain in that presence despite the confusion or anxiety of the day is most important, not drifting into whatever is the trending move of the day. Following His prompting, we are able to love and forgive even though we don’t feel like it. With Him, we can move forward in life with purpose and meaning. With Christ’s presence, I’m not going through the motions of being a Christian in a robotic, or intellectual / mathematical way. My authenticity grows as I experience His love growing in me. 

I found this quote - “God’s grace and the Church’s teaching gave me a deep longing to be wounded in three ways: 

first, to have my ego ground down into pieces; 

second, to be able to suffer with others; 

and third, to have a firm and unfailing desire for God’s presence.”

— Lady Julian of Norwich

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