Monday, July 11, 2022

Suspicion to Division 7/15

 Having complete confidence in Christ is essential as we live in today’s world. There are many voices trying to steer us away from Him, even by some who have a lot of status among Christians. I am learning that following Christ with our whole selves means listening to the Spirit and not following a certain person or political / religious view. I’m probably not making much sense but I think Christ wants our hearts fully and completely each day without being side tracked by the politics of the day or using our faith to advance ourselves in the world. Too many are following rabbit trails that lead them away from the purity of the gospel. 

“We fail to be disciples only because we do not decide to be. We do not intend to be disciples. It is the power of the decision and the intention over our life that is missing. We should apprentice ourselves to Jesus in a solemn moment, and we should let those around us know that we have done so.

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Psalm 2

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