Saturday, July 2, 2022

Think Before Speaking 7/5

 I’ve said too many words at he wrong time, with the wrong tone of voice. What I wanted to say didn’t come out right and I’ve said too much to resolve an issue. I’m hoping that I’ve improved a lot, because I do not want to be a hindrance to someone’s growth in Christ. The most helpful advice I’ve heard was from Rick Warren, who said “Show up and shut up.”  It’s important to be a safe person to talk to, who listens, with the best intention of caring for the other person. Life gets complicated, but I hope that His love covers my multitude of sins with words. May His Kingdom be built, not my delusional kingdom of self preservation or enhancement. 

“An idolatrous heart will produce idol words, words that serve the idol that grips us.” - Paul David Tripp, War of Words: Getting to the Heart of Your Communication Struggles

“I’m practicing the discipline of not having to have the last word.” -Dallas Willard

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