Saturday, August 27, 2022

Fact or Legend? 8/31

The accuracy of The Bible is spot on. I recently read an article that a temple had been uncovered in Jerusalem by archeologists that perfectly fit what is described in the Old Testament just prior to Solomon’s reign as king. The more we learn as time goes on, the more accurate we find the Bible, according to research in history and archeology. Our loyalty to it is important, but more importantly is our submission. More importantly is whether Scriptural truth has taken root in our hearts, changing who we are and what we are all about.

If you are in doubt regarding what is right and what is wrong, do not be too greatly influenced by the customs and conventions of Christians you may know. Go by the clear teaching of the Bible and by the prompting of your conscience, and Christ will gradually lead you further along the path of righteousness. When he puts his finger on anything, give it up. It may be some association or recreation, some literature we read, or some attitude of pride, jealousy or resentment, or an unforgiving spirit. Jesus told his followers to pluck out their eye and cut off their hand or foot if it caused them to sin. We are not to obey this with dead literalism, of course, and mutilate our bodies. It is a figure of speech for dealing ruthlessly with the avenues along which temptation comes to us.
John R.W. Stott, Basic Christianity

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