Saturday, August 27, 2022

Heard This Before? 9/3

 As I read todays devotional, I thought of Lee Strobel’s book The Case For Christ. As an attorney and journalist, he set out to prove that the resurrection never happened. But after all his research, he concluded that Jesus did rise from the dead. Others have done the same, choosing that there is no credible evidence to dispute the New Testament and the claims of the apostles. He has risen!!

Why I am a Christian is due ultimately neither to the influence of my parents and teachers, nor to my own personal decision for Christ, but to ‘the Hound of Heaven’. That is, it is due to Jesus Christ himself, who pursued me relentlessly even when I was running away from him in order to go my own way. And if it were not for the gracious pursuit of the Hound of Heaven I would today be on the scrap-heap of wasted and discarded lives.
John R.W. Stott, Why I Am a Christian

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