Sunday, August 14, 2022

Making History Count 8/23

 Two words come to mind after reading today’s devotional - lived and forgiven. I’ve spent quite a bit of my life beating myself up that I’d never measure up or be what God wanted. Other times I’d gloat that I wasn’t like the worst sinners and managed to stay out of big trouble, only to crash again, beating myself up. Certainly that is no way to live until coming to grips that I’m loved beyond understanding and I’m forgiven. He has paid all penalties and removed the condemnation or gloating. He is the one to be honored, not me. 

The message of Jesus very different from every other voice ever heard. He never lowered his standards or modified his conditions to make his call more readily acceptable. He asked his first disciples, and he has asked every disciple since, to give him their thoughtful and total commitment. Nothing less than this will do
John R.W. Stott, Basic Christianity

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