Saturday, September 10, 2022

Knowing Him 6, 9/12

 If I want to be all in for Christ, I need to be all open and vulnerable before Him. If I’m to change, to be more like Christ, I must allow Him into my daily thinking and being, which is conversing with Him. My self sufficient and independent mindset has to go. My list of worries and ‘what if…” thoughts must change into “May God be honored and glorified” through each issue. Praying whole heartedly the way to love Him with my whole self. May God help you and me to be all in!

“What makes life worthwhile is having a big enough objective, something which catches our imagination and lays hold of our allegiance, and this the Christian has in a way that no other person has. For what higher, more exalted, and more compelling goal can there be than to know God?” - J.I. Packer, Knowing God

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Psalm 2

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