Monday, October 31, 2022

Habit Reboot 11/4

 Sandy and I each have plans to read through the Bible in a year. Depending on the passage, it’s not a problem to pick up where we have left off from the day before. I’m using one this year by Nicky Gumbel, a British pastor, who has his commentary with the passage. It takes a bit longer to complete each day, but his reflection helps me to focus. 

Our daily connection is also a tremendous help to stay focused, with the habit of encouragement and focus on what is important. Writing a reflection in this devotional helps me apply some aspect of the Scripture or devotional.  Let’s challenge each other to experience freedom and joy through our small steps and habits.  

“Sin is not just about willfulness; that is, conscious stepping over God’s boundaries. Sin is also about blindness; that is, not seeing what needs to be seen in order to live as God has called me to live. The sinner is both willfully blind and blindly willful (p. 42).” Paul Tripp in “Strategies for Opening Blind Eyes” Journal of Biblical Counseling

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