Saturday, October 15, 2022

Truth for life 10/17

 As a dad, I cannot imagine what it took for Abraham to obey God’s command to sacrifice his son. I cannot imagine what it took for Isaac to trust his father throughout the whole preparation for the sacrifice. The words that could describe their faith, trust or obedience do not explain what it took internally. Abraham’s relationship with God had to be intense, full of complete trust and love, knowing that God would provide. 

“Many of the questions we ask God can't be answered directly, not because God doesn't know the answers but because our questions don't make sense. As C.S. Lewis once pointed out, many of our questions are, from God's point of view, rather like someone asking, "Is yellow square or round?" or "How many hours are there is a mile?” - N.T. Wright, Simply Christian: Why Christianity Makes Sense

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Psalm 2

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