Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Hope 1/21

One statement stood out: “Instead of retreating in bitterness and fear from this world, let us read our Bibles with confidence, allowing the Word of God to truly be our source of hope.” If God is who He says He is (and He certainly is), why do I seem asleep half the time to what is Hope? I wander in the desert searching in all the wrong places for hope, when He is right in front of me. I search for comfort, entertainment, and less entertainment. But my rest and contentment are in the hope of what He is doing, not in my comfort. He is so patient and kind, coaching me back, just like the Good Shepherd does.

"Love and faith go together: When you love someone, you trust him. And faith and love together help to strengthen hope, for where you find faith and love, you will find confidence for the future. How can we grow in faith during times of testing and suffering? The same way we grow in faith when things seem to be going well: by feeding on the Word of God (Rom. 10:17). Our fellowship with Christ through His Word not only strengthens our faith, but it also deepens our love. It is a basic principle of Christian living that we spend much time in the Word when God is testing us and Satan is tempting us.” - Warren W. Wiersbe, Be Hopeful

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Bible 282

 Tests and trials are difficult to understand, and hard to endure. Paul could have been angry and bitter that he was in prison but he used h...