Wednesday, January 18, 2023

Hope 1/23

 When I read this, I thought of the many (according to statistics…and my discussions with former student) who are lonely and discouraged, even though we live in the most connected culture in history. We can easily search, purchase, text, or call at any time. Yet many of us feel out of touch and lonely. Without. Deeper discipleship connection, we wander and wonder if we are loved and cared for, just like nomads. But God is pursuing each of us to dive deep into our friendships and acquaintances, that we all might learn more about our Father and the Kingdom that is being established in our hearts. May we encourage other to live for Him. 

"It is a kingdom which is to come, yes.  But it is also a kingdom which has come. “The kingdom of God is among you” and “within you.”  The kingdom of God is in every true Christian.  He reigns in the Church when she acknowledges Him truly.  The kingdom has come, the kingdom is coming, the kingdom is yet to come.  Now we must always bear that in mind.  Whenever Christ is enthroned as King, the kingdom of God is come, so that, while we cannot say that He is ruling over all in the world at the present time, He is certainly ruling in that way in the hearts and lives of all His people” - Martin Lloyd-Jones

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Bible 282

 Tests and trials are difficult to understand, and hard to endure. Paul could have been angry and bitter that he was in prison but he used h...