Friday, January 6, 2023

New Mercies 1/9

 I agree that living by faith isn’t natural. Doubt is natural. Fear is natural. Living on the basis of our collected experience is natural. The past two or three years has been a deeper shift in not trusting what was once not doubted. But I remind myself that the only sure basis for living is the inerrant Word of God. One cannot add cultural themes to Scripture or manipulate a verse for selfish gain. We will each stand before our Lord with an account of our lives. God’s grace and mercy are new each day as we face the unexpected.

“Your faithfulness allows God to reveal greater insight to you than to the less faithful. Faithfulness brings opportunities to you that are not given to the unfaithful. God takes pleasure in answering prayers that come from a faithful heart.” Experiencing God. By Henry Blackaby

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