Thursday, February 23, 2023

All In 21

 In the past I’ve often thought praising God was singing along with a worship song, whether I felt anything or not. But going through the motions of worship as a duty or an obligation does not cut it. Whenever I’m in that mood, I’m in a fog to who He is, praise isn’t really happening. As John Mark Comer points out, we often need contemplative prayer time, being silent , focusing on who God is. Prayer is often more about listening than talking. Praising Him for what He has done, for who He is, and about His promise to never leave us is all about contemplation. Reflecting what it means to be saved, to being saved from ourselves and protected from all kinds of evil, is a form of worshipping Him. Being outdoors in silence provides the environment I like to praise Him in silence. I look forward to a time when we could be outdoors together, perhaps kayaking or taking a walk to talk about how much He loves us would be awesome!

Regarding my 21 day fast and avoidance of drinking soda, I am a big embarrassed that it was not much of a sacrifice. But I feel good that I’ve been reminded to pray for an outpouring of Hos presence in those closest to me, including you, Nick.  I’m continuing my POP initiative of praying over people!

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