Thursday, February 23, 2023

Hope 2/26

 I often wander in my hope!  Even though I know God is fully in charge and Zhe has my goid in mind, I get disillusioned when a situation does not result in what I had hoped for. Swindoll says that much of life is rolling with the punches, yet clinging to the hope provided in His daily grace. The monotony of the daily grind can numb our sensitivity to His leading if we don’t think God is going to show up with His grace and mercy. When we are torpedoed with an unexpected crisis, we can question God’s goodness. But the reality of following Christ is His goodness and presence. One day, all things will be made fight and justice will prevail. We often want justice now but usually for the other guy. Fortunately, God’s love is patient, waiting for us to trust Him fully.

“For this reason we labor and strive, because we have put our hope in the living God, who is the Savior of all people, especially of those who believe.”

“Faith itself has no merit; in fact, by its nature it is self-emptying. It involves our complete renunciation of any confidence in our own righteousness and a relying entirely on the perfect righteousness and death of Christ.” - Jerry Bridges, The Discipline of Grace

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