Wednesday, February 22, 2023

The Way Journal

 We have become more concerned with conquering America for Christ rather than loving as Christ loved, speaking truth, and showing people the way to Christ through word and deed.  (Eugene Cho). Loving as Christ is talking all things out with our Father, enjoying His presence, anticipating what He will show us. Maturity is knowing more and more that I am needy, weak, and dependent on Him. Asking Him to change something or for the needs of others must be done with expectation He will answer. I’ve been very guilty to think in fatalistic terms, that God’s so sovereignty rules, that I should except whatever comes my way. But God bartered with Abraham in Sodom and encouraged us to ask. Ehester took advantage of her position while Mordecai prayed. The rule of praying is showing up, believing God wants to hear our case. The joy of knowing Christ is far different than being happy, or having the correct information for all situations. 2 Cor 5:-7 “ this means that anyone who belongs to Christ is a new person. The old life is gone and the new life has begun. Feeling on the past, swelling who we used to be, or comparing ourselves to what we are not, does not produce joy in our hearts. The loneliness, disappointment, divisive opinions of our culture does not produce joy. This joy is far different than being in the right side of a group, included with their banner. Our joy is being included inthe most exclusive family we could imagine. The invitation is for anyone regardless of. Acjground, xor or geographic roots. There are no boundaries. Roman’s 10:-4. How can they call upon Him to save them unless they believe in Him. 

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