Thursday, February 9, 2023

Truth 2/13

It is very easy to take Scripture for granted. We can miss the privilege we have to access the wisdom right in front of us. We were without electric power a few years ago for two weeks due to an ice storm. There are so many luxuries that we take for granted but when we don’t have them, what a shock. Showers, lights television, radio, and hot food, refrigeration and heat are daily comforts. I often treat God’s word the same way. God has gifted us with such unhindered access to His truth. Why do I miss the point of obeying what I know to be true? Let’s soak in the Scriptures, look for the kingdom and seek His righteousness in all that we do.

“God’s people live on promises and not on explanations. When you trust God’s promises and step out by faith (v. 3), you can be sure that the Lord will give you the directions you need when you need them.” - Warren W. Wiersbe, Be Strong (Joshua)

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Bible 282

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