Thursday, February 9, 2023

Look for the kingdom

 Jesus had been speaking of His kingdom, but it was so different from what people expected that even the prophet who proclaimed His coming didn’t see it. Jesus’ kingdom did not appear to be important, but like a mustard seed, it started small and grew into something substantive, strong, and rooted. The value of the kingdom may be overlooked, but it is significant, like a prized possession. Eugene Cho

“The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field. When a man found it, he … sold all he had and bought that field. (Matt. 13:44)”

To love God and love people—the great commandments—should have us questioning everything about our lives if we are to fully embrace kingdom living. It’s bigger than any political party or political system. It is reimagining the nature of our lives in every way, including how we engage politics, because our political decisions impact our neighbors. 

No one has a monopoly on the kingdom of God.

The phrase “kingdom of God” appears 162 times in the New Testament, and not once in the Old Testament, though the ancient writers do occasionally refer to “the kingdom” or “your kingdom” when addressing the Almighty.

Me - the physical and spiritual

Caring for the individual, visiting Casey in prison, 

Lord, I want my life to matter for a bigger purpose than myself. I want what I’m facing to be nothing compared to the glory and honor that You deservedly receive. Hold my heart and guide my steps to close any gap of unbelief and doubt so that I am closer to You than ever before. Grow my faith and establish my feet to stand in Your honor and walk in Your ways so that others will want to follow and find You for themselves. Make my life story into a vessel that leads to You and the love You desire to give to all of humanity.



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