Saturday, March 4, 2023

All In 28

 It is nearly impossible to see clearly during a hurricane or tornado crisis. Hunkering down in safety is a priority, making sure everyone is safe and accounted for. Praying is so important, regardless of where we find ourselves. All we may hear is the storm raging, not the quiet reassurance of the peace around the corner. The disciples must have sensed this fear when the storm raged while Jesus was sleeping. The only ‘big picture’ of the situation we may have will be 20/20 hindsight, recognizing God’s hand of protection, His wisdom or grace in the moment, or how He orchestrated our safety net. Perhaps we will never see an answer to why the storm devastated what we had hoped for, but perhaps we have been asked to trust Him more than we thought. The evil that could have taken place ended up with so much good. Perhaps we will finally realize that we were (are) in the right place at the right time, and God has chosen us to be the right person  who is standing in the gap.  Perhaps there is no crisis but we find ourselves in the ordinary moments of life when we witness Hod doing the extraordinary in the seemingly mundane. Following Christ can be dangerous and risky but we are safe in Him. He will NEVER leave us. 

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