Sunday, March 5, 2023

All In 29

 Retiring from my work as a school counselor has brought an expected quandary of what I’m all about. My mission statement was ‘to help others make effective decisions’, whether the decision was personal, social, educational, or career. I’ve been very fortunate to work with so many who have developed their own rewarding purpose driven lives. I’ve been restless for over a year or so, asking God to show me what He wants. The same fire inside I had to be available for Him at work is building a flame for discipleship in young men and in my grandkids.  Integrity and fidelity to God’s leading is needed in our culture, with no duplicity or hypocrisy of purpose  I sense this fire in you, Nick!  It’s no accident that we are connected, and I look forward to what God will show us.  Despite the seeming yawning and blank stares of others, I want to ramp up my passion to be all in for Jesus.  May we be empowered to be intentional in small ordinary ways, expecting the extraordinary work of the Spirit..  

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Bible 280

 Over thinking and over complicating my faith in Christ has been a problem. Either I am not thinking how my faith will apply to a situation,...