Saturday, March 18, 2023

Connecting to God 3/20

It’s hard to not be a fake at times. There are plenty of events that give us opportunity yo be loving and generous, but we may not feel like it. Faking the emotions, denying myself the American right’ to have it my way, can be met with a selfish pull to not be loving at all. Surrendering to the way of Jesus brings joy and peace, but I soften want to grip my self driven habits. I’m hoping that reading scripture will become so ingrained that I’ll have no problems with recall, and know exactly how I should respond. God created each of us with unique ways to handle life. It’s obvious when we get to know kids - each comes wired with different circuitry, all in His image. Being transformed into His likeness is a tough job at times, especially with our unique wiring and background. As we dive deep into His love for us, we can understand ourselves better, knowing that He even knows the number of hairs we have at any give moment. He knows everything about us and what we face each day. 

“Until we have seen ourselves as God see us, we are not likely to be much disturbed over conditions around us as long as they do not get so far out of hand as to threaten our comfortable way of life. We have learned to live with unholiness and have come to look upon it as the natural and expected thing.” - A.W. Tozer, The Knowledge of the Holy

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