Monday, March 6, 2023

Hope 3/8

 Faith building in the home seems to be caught and taught. If indoctrination is the rule, kids seem to have a sixth sense of finding hints of hypocrisy and any loop hole that is appealing. I doesn’t sem like there are any guarantees for faith being handed on to the next generation but bad legacies can be broken  each individual must respond to His moving in the heart and each child seems to come wired with unique strengths and needs,  parenting is one of the toughest assignments in life, yet the most rewarding  


“The best way to get children to do what you want is to spend time with them before disciplinary problems occur—having fun together and enjoying mutual laughter and joy. When those moments of love and closeness happen, kids are not as tempted to challenge and test the limits. Many confrontations can be avoided by building friendships with kids and thereby making them want to cooperate at home. It sure beats anger as a motivator of little ones!” - James C. Dobson, The New Dare to Discipline

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