Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Liturgy for Nashville

 Liturgy for Nashville

Written on Monday, March 27, 2023 by Melanie Rainer

Lord, hear our prayer.
We love this city. And we know that you love this city.
We know this place, these people, these roads.
And today, we grieve. And we know that you grieve.

Lord, hear our prayer.

As the landscape of Green Hills has changed,
as the traffic has grown more dense and the buildings have grown taller,
Covenant has been a steadfast presence,
reflecting your steadfast love.
Nashville is a city of sounds, the soul of our city is written in keys and chords and words.
And Covenant is a church of music. A church of beauty.
She is the bride of Christ, a refuge for the weary,
A gift to our city.
A city of sound, and a church that echoes heaven.

We praise you for Covenant. We grieve for our friends. We grieve for your people.
Lord, hear our prayer.

God, we ask you not to dry our tears, but to increase them.
Let us feel what we are afraid to feel today.
Let us face the worst of the world with hearts that are deeply engaged
In love, in hope, in pain.
Let us be not only the hands and feet of Jesus today, but the love and compassion and merciful
tears of a Savior who cried for his friends when death came to Lazarus.

Lord, hear our prayer.

For the children, God.
For their parents.
For their friends.
Be near. In the ways only you can.

For the Dieckhaus Family.
For the Scruggs Family.
For the Kinney Family.
For the Peak Family.
For the Koonce Family.
For the Hill Family.

Lord, hear our prayer.

You are a God who promises justice like a river,
God, let it be swift.
You are a God who promises peace beyond understanding.
God, show it to us now.
You are a God who promises to bind up our sorrows.
God, wrap us in your love now.
You are God who promises to heal our wounds.
God, heal us now.
You are a God who saves our crushed spirits.
God, save us now.
You are a God who promises to go before us.
God, go before us now.
You are a God who holds all things together.
God, help us trust you.
You are a God who promises there will be no more tears. No more death. No more crying.
God, let it be true.

Lord, hear our prayer.


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