Tuesday, March 14, 2023

Renovation 7

 What we think about determines our lifestyle and perspective. What we fill our minds with sets the path for our decisions, and our emotional response to our circumstances. What has been distracting you from thinking about Jesus?  For me, I’m learning to filter the news a bit better, wondering how Jesus would respond to a news event. I’m learning - relearning how important it is to dwell on how much God loves me, but how He is orchestrating world events, and networking relationships, to make Himself known. If He were to meet me in the mall or in my home, what would He say or ask?  What would the look in His eyes be as He looked into mine?  Any arrogance or know it all attitude would quickly be gone as I realize He knows what is best for me. He knows the worst things about me, and how I’ve often dismissed His nudge or push. Oh how I do not want to disappoint Him, but be all He wants me to be. I hope you sense the same burning inside that I want to be fully renovated for Him, that His name will be made known through me. 

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